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All it takes is determination and everything else will change. Four years and ten months ago I learned about this great opportunity. To be honest, I never imagined that it was possible to have a lifestyle like the network marketing industry gives.
At 45 years old, I worried about my future and the legacy I was going to leave to my special education child whose mother had passed away. I had dedicated my life to taking care of him. I had never had a business in my life, but I decided to pursue the 4Life opportunity and trust in my sponsors, International Diamond Pedro Rosa and International Diamond Antonio Núñez. Wow! Without their help, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.
I remember that seven months after starting this opportunity I got fired from my job and lost everything I had, including a salary and a place to live. I had a special education child and a wife who were dependant on me. I ended up living in my friend’s ten by ten basement, and I was only making 200 dollars a month with 4Life. I recall crying one morning in the kitchen with my two partners, Gold International Diamonds Antonio Núñez and Nathaniel Lowe. They cried with me and gave me support.
That day I told myself that I would do it. I couldn’t see myself working for less than what I had made in the past. That day I made a transformation to success with 4Life. In that year I earned an income of $15,000, and the next year I earned $33,000 more that what I earned at my old job. Today, I am an International Diamond.
I don’t know what would have become of my life without God and this great opportunity. Today I want to thank my wife, Laura Rivera, for her patience, my upline, Gold International Diamonds Antonio Nuñez, Nathaniel Lowe, Eduardo León Marin Aristizábal, Dr. Ricaurte Samaniego, and International Diamond Pedro Rosa.
Partners and friends, the 4Life opportunity is real. The corporation and its Founders, David and Bianca Lisonbee, truly desire for us to be successful.
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