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After closing the traditional business that I had devoted myself to for many years, I looked for a real opportunity. I was introduced to 4Life through my friends and current upline, Gold International Diamonds Juan and Elsa Tamayo.
Although I didn’t understand everything about the business at first, I knew from the moment I saw it that this was the opportunity for which I had been looking for and that it would enable me to enjoy a better lifestyle. I was impressed that it didn’t require a large upfront investment and that the success of my company would be based on supporting others and helping them to succeed.
I had attended many networking company presentations and I could see that 4Life wasn’t created just to make money, but to bless people in all aspects of their lives: health support, financial freedom, and lifestyle freedom. This difference, to me, is very noble.
I was excited to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of other people. I encourage everyone to focus on helping people and supporting your team. As you achieve higher ranks, be sure not to forget your team and your leaders, because a big part of your success is a result of their hard work.
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